Sometimes the best feedback comes from those who have put time and energy organizing a youth conference or community event. Here are some words from an organizer regarding a motivational keynote presentation by Daniel Mora.
On behalf of the Youth Empowerment Conference planning committee, we would like to thank you for making our event on April 16th, 2011, a success. Your keynote address was amazing and touched so many of the students, parents, and staff. Your story was touching and gave an example of how it’s never too late to get on track. During the lunch portion of the day, a large number of the students personally approached us and commented on how much you inspired them. We cannot thank you enough for accepting this speaking engagement.
There were approximately 150 students in attendance and about 20 parents, as well as a number of educators and community members. Our hopes are that youth in attendance that day take with them a message of enlightenment – a reflection, if you wish – of what the future holds for them. These types of events are greatly needed in our community to uplift and motivate those students who have very few positive role-models; those students who are at the cusp of success or self-destruction due to the lack of inspirational individuals in their lives. We congratulate you because you have now become an inspiration to one of the students you met, or one of the desperate parents seeking guidance and with whom you shared information that day. One of the many obstacles our community faces are the lack of opportunities to get youth out and engage them in something that really interests them. We are hoping that students made a connection with you to keep in touch so you can offer them some kind of support in their endeavors to become the next great local artist, musician, organizer, performer, social worker, college professor, or community activist. You are the opportunity these students have been seeking – look at yourself in the smoking mirror. We deeply thank you for your support.
Sara Anderson, Sofia Diaz-Antuna, Osiris Ortiz, Ramiro Medrano, The 2011 Youth Empowerment Committee.