The past couple of weeks I have been spending time prepare to market the motivational speakers of Homeboy Goes to Harvard Productions. This entails putting together a brochure of all the motivational speakers and the topics they present and mailing it out to the schools. Since most of our presentations are directed to a youth audience, the emphasis will be gang prevention, drug awareness, self esteem and school readiness.
A copy of the brochure will be sent to every urban public high school in America, minus Arizona. Unfortunately, there is a national boycott on the state of Arizona that prevents us from traveling into and touching the lives of many students. I can only hope the students of this state find their way to our website.
There are about 13,000 high schools that will receive our information. For the past few days, I have been tabbing, labeling, stuffing and preparing them to be ship out by early September. This will give each high school an ample opportunity to plan an event, conference or school assembly. Although it is tiresome and time consuming, it is necessary for keeping each school informed of the services we provide.
I am looking forward to this new academic year.