2012 is coming to an end and I finish my motivational speaking with two student assemblies to Sierra Vista Middle School in Sunny Side, WA. I enjoy doing middle school student because their energy is invigorating. Prior to the first presentation, a counselor approached me to share his memories of how impactedful my presentation for him was several years prior. So much so, that he advocated to bring me back so that his current students could benefit.
After close to 20 years of motivational speaking, I am still humbled by such comments. I could not help but feel inspired and felt more so determined to send a message that was both motivational and inspiring. I did not disappoint. The energy of the students was powerful and my experience was positive as the students eagerly listened to the message of making healthy choices. The students were receptive and demonstrated their appreciation with a standing ovation. After the presentations, hundreds of student circled

to shake my hand and share some of their own experiences. School board members inquired about coming back for a staff development or teacher inservice. But what really left an impression was seeing the counselor looking content and satisfied with my delivery. All in all, not a bad way to end the year.